
麻豆传媒团队 School

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Progress and Results

2023 GCSE Headlines

62% of our students gained a STRONG PASS at grade 5 or above in BOTH GCSE English (Language or Literature) and GCSE Mathematics. 

83% of our students gained a STANDARD PASS at grade 4 or above in BOTH GCSE English (Language or Literature) and GCSE Mathematics. 

84% - Grade 4-9  in English (69% gained grade 5 or above)

89% - Grade 4-9 in Maths (71% gained grade 5 or above)

85% - Grade 4-9 in at least two Sciences

24% - Percentage of grades 7 - 9 awarded

81%  - Grade 4 and above in 5 or more GCSEs

92% - Grade 4 or above in the three Sciences (of those who took the Triple Science option)

98%  - Achieved 5 more GCSEs (grade 9-1)

4% - Percentage of grade 9s awarded 

12% - Number of students achieving Ebacc

53% - Percentage of 2025 leavers have been entered for the Ebacc

Click here to view the  including Progress 8 score, Attainment 8 score and Pupil destinations (% staying in education or going into employment after KS4).

 Click here to find out about the new 9-1 grading system.


Year on Year Results


NB: Exam results for 2020 and 2021 leavers are not published due to the impact of Covid-19 on exam and grading procedures. 

% of students achieving 5 or more GCSEs at 9-4 (A*-C)

2017 2018 2019 2022 2023
72% 65% 67% 71% 81%


% of students achieving 5 x GCSEs A* to G (9-1)

2017 2018 2019 2022 2023
99% 99% 96% 92% 98%


% of students achieving EBacc (Grade 4 or above in Maths, Eng Lit or Lang, 2 x Science, History OR Geog and 1 x MFL) [of cohort entered for this combination of GCSEs)

2017 2018 2019 2022 2023
22% 29% 24% 14% 12%


% of students who have entered the EBacc

2022 2023 2024 2025
14% 14% 10% 53%