
麻豆传媒团队 School

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What are Core Knowledge pages?  


The curriculum for each subject is very ambitious because your teachers have high aspirations for you; all your teachers want to help you achieve your very best.


An ambitious curriculum is one that it is knowledge rich and challenging; this means that you need to learn a wide range of knowledge, which includes things such; subject specific vocabulary (tier 3 language), facts, ideas, theories and methods. 


To learn and remember all of this is not an easy task. Your teachers want to help you remember, long term, the knowledge needed, so that you are able to apply (use) this with increasing fluency (more easily over time) and independently (on your own). All of which will support you on your, personal, journey towards success. 



Core Knowledge pages contain the essential (important) information needed for each subject. Knowing and understanding this information, will support you in your lessons and your exams, so that you build confidence and understanding in all subjects.  



Homework schedule/timetable


You should follow your homework schedule/timetable, in order to help you organise your time.  You will present your homework to your tutor during the 麻豆传媒团队 Welcome. If you are absent from school, then try to catch up and complete your homework.


Homework schedule:

Week Commencing Week Time
6th May B 20mins per subject set.
13th May A
20th May B
3rd June Summer Exam Week
10th June B
17th June A 20mins per subject set.
24th June B
1st July A
8th July B
15th July A


Homework timetable:

Week A






Subject 1











Subject 2


Design & Technology





Subject 3







Week B






Subject 1











Subject 2







Subject 3





Reciprocal Reading


Homework support


You can always go to Homework Support (located in B3 at lunchtimes and after school until 4pm). This supervised room provides a quiet working space with access to PCs.


Incomplete homework


If you have forgotten to complete your homework then you can catch-up during break or lunchtime, on the due day. You will need to show your completed homework to staff in Homework Support.

If you choose not to catch-up, then you will need to attend an after school homework catch-up session that afternoon. This is to support you in getting back on track, so that you do not fall behind.


How do I do my homework? 


You will practice revising the Core Knowledge pages for your daily homework. You will do this by using the; Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check revision method. Your teachers will tell the areas to focus on for each subject. Some teachers may need you to do something a little different, such as access an online platform, if this is the case then your teacher will tell you.



 Here is a guide about how to do your homework:

how to complete homework.pdf


How do I complete my Reciprocal Reading homework?


You will read a book of your choice for 15 mins and then complete the Reciprocal Reading worksheet in the front of your homework books. Each time you do this homework you can add to the same worksheet. You will do this following the method below:

how to complete reciprocal reading homework.pdf


Homework assembly - May 2024:


homework assembly.pdf


Core Knowledge Booklets


Year 7 Core Knowledge Booklet

Year 8 Core Knowledge Booklet

Year 9 Core Knowledge Booklet

Reciprocal Reading Worksheet


Frequently Asked Questions


Do I have to follow the timetable? 
It is a good idea to follow the timetable will help you to manage your time to support your wellbeing, ensuring you do not become overwhelmed by school work.  However, you may want to complete more homework on one evening so that you don't have any on the following if you need to attend a club for example. 

Is this revision homework in addition to the homework we already get? 
No. The revision homework will be the only homework you are asked to complete. We will all be following the timetable. 

Do I have to complete my homework for an evening in one go? 
No. You could do 20mins in Homework support (a lunchtime or after school) and then complete your second subject for 20mins after your dinner for example. 

Can I do more than a page of notes? 
You can, although be mindful of the time. You need to ensure you are spending 20mins and not lots more revising a subject. For 20mins revision we would probably expect to see somewhere between a half page to a full page of notes. 

Always be sure to start a new page for a new subject. This is to ensure you notes don't get muddled up. 

I didn't find out which part of the Core Knowledge pages I should be revising for my homework? 
That's ok, don't worry- try out these steps; 

Firstly, go and ask your class teacher. Your teachers will tell you in lessons the area you need to focus on- if this hasn't happened then try the next step.   

If you are unable to speak with your teacher, then try looking on Arbor. Your teacher may have set an assignment, which details which part you need to revise for homework. If there is no information on Arbor, then follow the last step. 

Finally, if you are still unsure of which part to revise, then go to your Core Knowledge pages for the subject required and select a manageable amount to practice revising within the timeframe of 20mins. Try picking something you feel less confident on and practice that. 

I have lost my Core Knowledge Booklet/ Homework book! 
You can access the school website here; /Homework/ and download a new copy and print yourself. Or we can print a new copy at school for the cost of £1.50p- Please let your tutor know.  

We can provide a new homework book at the cost of £0.60p- Please let your tutor know. 

When is the homework checked? 
Homework that is timetabled on a Monday is checked on a Tuesday. This pattern follows for the week. Work set to be completed on a Friday is checked on the following Monday. This is to ensure students are actively completing homework revision, little and often. 

All homework is checked by your tutor during 麻豆传媒团队 Welcome.