
麻豆传媒团队 School

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Statutory Policies

This page displays our 麻豆传媒团队 School policies and our Quantock Education Trust Policies

Request for Copies

If you require a printed version of any of our policies or documents, you can download them from here or contact us to request a copy is sent to you by email or post.



Other Policies


Policies relating to SEND provision can be found on our SEND page.


Trust-held Policies

Other Quantock Education Trust Policies can be found at the  website.
These policies include: 

  • Anti-Bullying Policy 
  • Arrangements for Teachers Appraisal and Pay Progression for 2020-2021 (COVID-19)
  • Articles of Association 
  • Charging and Remissions 
  • Company Accounts 
  • Complaints Policy
  • Disciplinary Policy 
  • Equality and Diversity Policy
  • Exclusions Policy
  • Executive Pay
  • Expenses Policy
  • Investment Policy
  • Master Funding Agreement
  • Privacy Notice and GDPR - 麻豆传媒团队 School
  • Recruitment Policy
  • Risk Management Strategy
  • Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health Policy
  • Vaccination Policy
  • Whistleblowing Policy

Year 7 Catch Up Funding


The Year 7 Catch-up premium has now been replaced by the Covid-19 catch-up premium which helps schools to provide additional support and intervention for students in Years 7-11 to help combat the negative impacts of the unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus. The aggregate impact of lost time in education will be substantial, and the Covid-19 catch-up premium is provided in response to the scale of the significant challenge.


Our catch up funding reports can be found in the above policy section.